Upcoming Events

Drag the System: Redesigning Food for a Cooler Planet

Monday, 02.12.2024

food&lab (CAB), 17:30 – 19:00

We are thrilled to invite you to the upcoming event Drag the System: Redesigning Food for a Cooler Planet, hosted by ETH4D and the ETH Student Sustainability Committee. 🌍

Join us as we bridge the worlds of art and science to explore the impact of animal agriculture on climate change, animals and humans, and discuss pathways toward a more sustainable and equitable food system.

Featuring a performance by drag performance artist Soya the Cow, followed by a panel discussion with ETH experts in plant-based food innovations, deforestation and climate change, we look forward to an evening of inspiration and meaningful dialogue. 🐮

More information and register here!


Our Events team is looking for people who want to help SSC create events at ETH Zurich and collaborate with other SSC teams!

Are you ready to make a difference at ETH Zurich and help create great events? We are right now looking for people who can help in our events team! You’ll get the chance to bring your energy into a small team of motivated volunteers to create amazing events and have an impact today! Jobs include backoffice organisation, communication with other SSC teams, and event day setup tasks! 


Join SSC Events Team now!

Scanning will take you to a WhatsApp chat for our events team!

Past Events

AI + Environment summit

Wednesday, 02.10.2024, ETH AI Center, all day

Join the summit organised by the ETH AI Center for a day dedicated to inspiring, igniting and innovating work in AI for the environment. There will be talks by various academics, a poster session (to which you can submit your work), workshops, talks by industry and startups and plenty of network opportunities. The agenda will cover a range of topics, and excellent food and delicious coffee will be served. For more information and registration, visit the website: https://summit.biodivx.org/


ETH Net Zero Day

Tuesday, 28.05.2024, 13:00 – 19:00 (open end)

How does a Net Zero future look like? What is ETH doing regarding its greenhouse gas emissions? And how can you contribute?

Join us for our biggest event of the semester, the first ETH Net Zero Day, co-organized with ETH Sustainability, Student Project House (SPH), and Circular Horizon. This event is designed to engage students and employees in ETH’s journey to net zero emissions.

At the event, you will hear about the ETH Net Zero program and how ETH Sustainability, SSC, and SPH are working on reducing emissions. Additionally, there will be inputs from researchers on how we can reach Net Zero at ETH and on a societal scale. Afterwards, you can participate in a 3-hour hackathon, working on different projects related to emission reductions.

There, best projects will win some attractive prices as well as coaching for their implementation.

Find more information on the dedicated website and reserve your spot here.

Mirror COP 28 @ ETH Zurich

Throughout all of HS 2023

This years’ COP 28 will take place in Dubai, and we at SSC will mirror it! Join is in eight events to gain new perspectives about the climate crisis, the international framework to address it and the role of COP!

Are you frustrated when you talk to your parents about climate change? Do your relatives talk down the effect of the ecological crisis? Do you feel vulnerable when hearing wrong arguments about climate action? Do you find it hard to speak up to people who openly and convincingly say wrong things about the climate crisis to justify non-action? Then, come to this workshop organized by SSC to learn more about the discourses of climate denial and how to fight them!

In a first part, you’ll learn how to identify rhetoric strategies that determine the outcome of discussions about the climate crisis, based on case studies. In a second part, you’ll learn about these strategies used and how to act against them. And in a third part, you’ll get that chance to practice this knowhow hands-on by interacting with actors who will play devil’s advocate and play the role of climate deniers. And of course, an apéro will conclude the workshop! 🌱Sign up here!

Post COP 28: Of Legacies and Leftovers: What comes after COP28?

Friday, 15.12.2023, Food & Lab, 18:00 – 22:00

COP 28 is over – what came out of it? Has humanity taken a next step in fighting the climate crisis or are we still not doing it? And how does the outcome of this COP link to the current discussion about achieving net zero at ETH Zurich? Come to work out answers together with experts from ETH Sustainability (Claudia Zingerli), IPCC  working group I vice chair (Prof. Sonia Seneviratne) and attendees of COP 28 (Abdulrasheed Isah from ETHZ, Antonia Straden from Swiss Youth for Climate) to understand the situation better. 

And last but not least, come to the fondue which is offered to you by SSC after the panel discussions! This is the last event of Mirror COP 28 – so don’t miss the chance to get to know SSC, network and indulge in Fondue sponsored by New Roots Vegan Creamery! There are a few spaces left – sign up here!

We are looking forward to meeting you there! 🫕🎅🎄

Mirror COP 28: Debunking Climate Delay: Workshop

Tuesday, 12.12.2023, HG F 33.1, 17:00 – 20:00

Have you ever heard people say things like…
“Our emissions don’t matter compared to those of [some big emitter], so why…”

“Technology will safe us. We must invest in technology…”

“It’s really not that bad…”

“Doing something will rip the social structures apart so…”

“It will cost too much…”

Mirror COP 28: Progress in Climate Action & How you can contribute

Wednesday, 06.12.2023, ETH Zentrum CLD Room A1, 17:00 – 18:00

Together with Florian Egli (Energy and Technology Policy Group) and Jasmine Neve (NADEL), we will explore progress that has been made in climate change mitigation and adaptation globally. We will discuss what we can all do personally to advance climate action and Jasmine and Florian will share some experiences of attending climate COPs in the past. This event was made possible by ETH4D, NADEL and the Energy and Technology Policy group.

*Mirror COP event organised by ETH4D, Nadel and Energy and Technology Policy Group

Sign-up link: https://eth4d.ethz.ch/news-and-events/events/registration–mirror-cop-28–pathways-to-climate-action.html! 🌱

Mirror COP 28: Friend or Foe: A Stakeholder Overview

Tuesday, 28.11.2023, HG E 33.5, 18:00 – 20:00

In this workshop organised by ModelUN, SSC and rootlinks, you will have the chance to take the role of a stakeholder at the discussion table about sustainable agriculture. You will jump into the roles of the stakeholders and discuss food and water shortages, land use and sustainable farming techniques akin to the real COP28 delegates. This may also mean that you have to play devil’s advocate and be a lobbyist or on the contrary portray the dire situation of impoverished nations, struck hardest by climate change. Do not worry, you will not require any prior knowledge, so sign up!! 🌱

Pathway to Mirror COP 28: Global South Perspectives on Climate Negotiations: Open Discussion

Wednesday, 15.11.2023, Greenhouse Art Lab, 18:30 – 20:00

Together with the African Students Association (ASAZ), we invite you to an exchange on the topic of Global South Perspectives in Climate Negotiations. Starting from short presentations by Prof. Elizabeth Tilley (D-MAVT) and Dr. Kenza Benabderrazik (D-USYS), the aim is to discuss and reflect on inclusion in ecology. Snacks and soft drinks will be available! Sign up here and join us for this very interesting and important event! 🌱

AI + Environment summit

Friday, 10.11.2023, ETH AI Center, all day

We’re excited to announce the upcoming AI + Environment Summit on November 10th at the ETH AI Center in Zurich. The summit is dedicated to driving the fusion of cutting-edge AI technologies with environmental initiatives, and we’re seeking contributions that inspire, ignite, and innovate our collective work in this field.


🌿 CALL FOR POSTERS: Have you been working on a research project, case study, or innovative initiative that leverages AI for environmental solutions? We invite you to share your findings, ideas, and inspirations with a diverse audience of researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts. Selected posters will be showcased throughout the summit, providing a platform for in-depth discussions and potential collaborations.


🍀 CALL FOR WORKSHOPS: Are you passionate about a specific topic in the domain of AI and environment? Do you have hands-on techniques, best practices, or groundbreaking methods you’d like to teach or discuss? Propose a workshop and lead a session to impart your knowledge, engage with attendees, and foster a deeper understanding of the subject.


Submission Guidelines: For Posters: Abstract (up to 300 words), a draft or outline of the poster, and key takeaways. For Workshops: Topic description, key objectives, intended audience, and estimated duration.

Important Dates: Submission Deadline: October 15, 2023; Notification of Acceptance: October 20, 2023; Summit Date: November 10.


To submit your proposal, please visit our submission platform or for more information, check our official summit website at summit.biodivx.org.


This is a unique opportunity to showcase your work, engage with a global community, and be a part of the movement that leverages AI technology to create a sustainable future for our planet. We look forward to your contributions and to seeing you in Zurich this November!


Pathway to Mirror COP 28: Rebound Effect & Climate Crisis: Expert Lecture

Tuesday, 31.10.2023, HG D 16.2, 18:00 – 19:30

We often learn that better means better: more efficient cars use less fuel, therefore we emit less greenhouse gases. But reality sometimes looks different, and an increase in efficiency does not lead to a decrease in resource consumption – on the contrary! Two experts will share their insight on this so-called technological rebound effect. Curious? Come join us for the third event of the mirror COP 28 event series to learn more, engage with the speakers and enjoy the following Apéro! 🌱

Pathway to Mirror COP 28: “The Light Bulb Conspiracy” – Documentary and Discussion

Wednesday, 25.10.2023, HG D 16.2, 18:00 – 20:00

We live in a world where consumption is everywhere – from the devices we use over the clothes we wear to the things we do in our free time. This 2010 documentary deals with how our consumption is deliberately driven by designing products to have a shorter life time than they could have – planned obsolescence. Learn more about its mechanisms and get inspired by critical voices! You will have the opportunity to share your thoughts in the following discussion! We are looking forward to seeing you there! 🌱

Zurich Foodsave Kitchen Battle

October 19th, 2023, 5.30 p.m., at Klein 16, Kleinstrasse 16, 8008 Zürich

Participation fee: CHF 5

Do you have a last piece of bread lying around, a sad bunch of lentils on the shelf or a salad in the fridge with its leaves hanging down? Will you take up the challenge to create a feast out of it? Then sign up to compete against others in a team at the first Zurich Foodsave Kitchen Battle!

Registration by Mon, 16 October to Leonie: lauxl@student.ethz.ch. Registration possible as an individual or as a team of max. 4 people.

The event will be bilingual (German/English) and is organised by foodwaste.ch, the Sustainability Week Zurich and the  Student Sustainability Committee.

Pathway to Mirror COP 28: Panel Discussion on Solar Geoengineering

Wednesday, 11.10.2023, CHN E 42, 18:00 – 19:30


Solar Geoengineering ☀️📡is considered one option of counteracting global warming by altering the Earth’s radiation balance. In this panel discussion, you can learn more about what Solar Geoengineering is and whether or not we should be researching and/or deploying these technologies. Join us in the kick-off event of the mirror COP 28! 🌎 The event will be followed by an Apéro with snacks and drinks! We are looking forward to discussing about this technology with you and our experts! So: see you there! 🌱

SSC @ Summerbar

26th May, Polyterrasse


SSC and HEAT are teaming up to cohost the summerbar event! Join us for a delightful evening of refreshing drinks, delicious barbeque, and the opportunity to meet the amazing people behind SSCgrünes herz-Emojigrünes herz-Emoji!

Sustainable Mobility Week

2-8 May, ETH Zentrum

The Student Sustainability Committee invites you to dive deeper into the topic of sustainable mobility around ETH by joining them in the week of May 2nd to May 8th for various workshops and discussions. Please consider registering but joining spontaneously is also possible. Check out the following registration link for additional information: bit.ly/3zV6N5r

Fair Trade Easter Hunt

Thursday April 6th, ETH Zentrum & ETH Hönggerberg

On April 6th, don’t forget to take a look around! You might stumble upon some delicious (fair trade) chocolate surprises, curtesy of the Student Sustainability Committee.

We will be hiding 10x80g FAIRAFRIC EXTRA CACAO chocolate bars from gebana, for you to enjoy, at each campus location. Chocolate bars that have not been found by the end of the day will have to be eaten by SSC members (so don’t be tooooo good at finding them).

Sustainability Committee at SPH

Every Tuesday in March

Please join us at the Student Project House if you are interested in learning more about us, have any ideas for projects or questions or just to meet other like-minded people while enjoying a coffee and cookies.

Sustainability Week Zürich

13-17 March 2023

Students from the five universities of Zürich have organized many events on economy, ecology, biodiversity, climate, psychology, society…  You can check them on the website: https://nachhaltigkeitswoche.ch/en/home/
There are workshops, lectures, games, apéros so everyone can find something of interest.
Do not hesitate to come and spread the word among your friends !
Hope to see you there!

  • Sustainable career lunch – Data Edition 

  • Date: 01.12.2022
  • Time: 12:15-14:00
  • Location: CLA J 1
  • Sylke Gruhnwald is a reporter focusing on the intersection of data, technology and feminism. Amongst others, she co-founded Hacks / Hackers Zurich and (together with her teams) won several awards for different investigations.
ssc_workshop_emotions_Plan de travail 1

Title: Coping with unpleasant climate emotions

Dec. 5th, 6:30pm (HG E 41)

When we wake up to the crisis of our ecology and our entire system, and experience the lack of appropriate global and individual action (as shown again in COP27), a variety of emotions can come up – including fear, despair, sorrow, anger, numbness, shame or guilt. We often don’t allow ourselves to feel those emotions or share them with others. Yet experiencing them is a necessary, healthy response to the state of our world. As Joanna Macy put it: “Of all the dangers we face, from climate chaos to nuclear war, none is so great as the deadening of our response.’” How can we face our grief, anger and sadness, and use it as a fuel for positive efforts?


  • Post-COP Reaction Seminar & Brunch

  • Nov. 28th, 10:00-12:00 (CHN G 42)

  • This seminar, taking place a week after COP27, will critically reflect on its significance, contents and outcomes, featuring three prominent experts: Anthony Patt, Professor of Climate Policy, ETH Zürich; Max van Deursen, PhD candidate of the ENP group, Wageningen University & Research; Josephine van Zeben, Chair of the LAW group, Wageningen University & Research.


  • Imaginarium: Imagine a better future

  • Nov. 18th, 13:00-18:00 (SPH Zentrum)

  • What is a desirable future? The Imaginarium invites you to invent collectively, for one day, desirable future worlds by putting your imagination and creativity at the service of sustainability. In teams, we will divide the themes of mobility, consumption, tourism and urbanism. A speaker will give a presentation at the beginning of the day to stimulate your creativity and then a mentor, a specialist in the chosen theme, will help you design your new world. At the end of the day, all teams will present the results of their discussions in a small presentation to the rest of the assembly.


  • ETH Model United Nations #2

  • Nov. 17th, 19:00-21:00 (LEE E 101)

  • Wish you were at COP27 and had a voice to express your ideas for the world of tomorrow? Join us to simulate the COP27 while it’s happening real time in Egypt. The topic will be on Solutions.


  • Movie Screening: Tomorrow by Cyril Dion

  • Nov. 17th, 19:00-21:30 (CHN F 42)

  • You are concerned by the environmental crisis and wonder how to act ? Come to the projection of Tomorrow to get keys for local action and discover concrete steps to more sustainable societies ! New views on agriculture, democracy,  economy, education and energy will provide hope to build the world we want to live in.


  • Biodiversity in Switzerland

  • Nov. 16th, 19:00-20:30 (CHN F 42)

  • One of the most global problems of Climate Change is Biodiversity loss. Join us with experts in the field to hear about and discuss the state of Biodiversity in Switzerland and what can be done to protect it.


  • Good COP, bad COP: what is at stake for global development at COP27

  • Nov. 15th, 18:15-19:15 (ML F 39)

  • Climate change is already impacting every region on earth. However, these impacts are not felt equally. Low- and middle-income countries suffer disproportionately from the adverse consequences of climate change, although they are the least responsible. There are high stakes for global development at the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Join us to discuss perspectives from the Global South, with specific insights from the Maldives and the Lake Chad region. 


  • Swimming for a better world

  • Nov. 14th, 18:00-21:00 (HG E3)

  • Whether it’s to hydrate, wash, cook, swim, or cool off – we all have a story and a connection to water. Ernst Bromeis, Water Ambassador and professional swimmer, will present one of such stories from his swimming expeditions around the world. We will discuss together the infinite importance of water for our lives, and necessary ways to stand up for our environment. Because, in his own words, “if we don’t, who else will?” We’ll then have an apero, which Ernst will launch by playing piano on a water theme .


  • How to sustainably secure tomorrow’s energy supply

  • Nov. 11th, 17:30-18:30 (HCI G7)

  •  An important factor of facing climate change is to decarbonize our atmosphere. Therefore, several sectors have to change their infrastructure in order to reduce emissions. Still, there are areas that are hard to decarbonize and where technologies for carbon capture and storage are needed. This talk will give an overview about current developments in Switzerland and Europe, focusing on technologies, business, modelling and policy. Featuring Oliver Akeret (Group for Sustainability and Technology, ETH Zurich).


  • ETH’s effort towards Net Zero by 2030

  • Nov. 11th, 14:00-15:00 (HG E 33.1)

  •  ETH Sustainability hosts an event on the topic of ETH Net Zero 2030. They will explain what it means for ETH to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to Net Zero by 2030, and what the challenges are. They will also present the results from an interactive poster exhibition about ETH Net Zero. Look out for these posters, which you can find in the main hall of the HG building, on the Green Floor in CHN and in the entrance hall of HPH.


  • ETH Model United Nations #1

  • Nov. 10th, 19:00-21:00 (LEE E 101)

  •  Wish you were at COP27 and had a voice to express your ideas for the world of tomorrow? Join us to simulate the COP27 while it’s happening real time in Egypt. The topic will be on Youth & Future generations.


  • Does participation lead to better climate solutions?

  • Nov. 10th, 17:15-18:15 (CHN F 42)
  •  Does participation lead to better solutions? This seminar features two ETH researchers who will explain how the participation of different actors may (not) deliver better climate solutions. Featuring Bianca Vienni Baptista, Researcher at the Transdisciplinary Lab and  Prof. Dr. Vally Koubi, Director of the Center for Comparative and International Studies.


  • Climate Finance: Who finances the energy transition?

  • Nov. 8th, 18:15-19:15 (HG F 33.1)

  • Transitioning away from fossil energies requires considerable investments: We need to build renewable energy sources in large scale, and increased electrification will require grid expansions. Where will those investments come from?  At the upcoming climate conference COP27, Dr. Florian Egli will speak about climate finance, which will be an important negotiation theme. His research studies the role of finance in the climate transformation and the political economy of this transformation. Curious how the green energy transition can be financed? Come, listen and ask your questions!


  • What is COP? By Professor Bretschger

  • Nov. 8th, 12:15-14:00 (CHN E 46)

  • This event is designed to give a brief introduction to the process, history, and inner-workings of COP meetings. Prof. Bretschger, a member of the Swiss delegations to COP 15 (Copenhagen) and COP 17 (Duran), will provide us with a brief presentation with his unique experience, that will help prepare us for the intense negotiations ahead. A brief overview of Mirror COP 27 will also be provided by the SSC.


  • Talk about Ecosystems and Biodiversity by Prof. Dr. Loïc PellissierProfessor

  • Date: 28.11.2022
  • Time: 18:30
  • Location: HG D 3.2

    Prof. Loïc Pellissier, head of the Ecosystems and Landscape Evolution group at ETHZ, will talk about the underlying mechanisms driving long-term changes of ecosystems and the biodiversity landscape. The talk is targeted at the public and aims at making these topics accessible to everyone interested. It will include insights about historically observed changes, ecosystems we see today, and how anthropogenic factors impact large ecosystems in the future.

  • Wissenschaf(f)t Zukünfte, Transformative Science Workshop

  • Date: 03.11.2022
  • Time: 18:30
  • Location: ETH HG E 33.1

Jan Freihardt from Wissenschaf(f)t Zukünfte will lead a workshop about transformative science, which describes the socio-economic transformations of our societies. Sign up HERE and discover more about it.

  • Movie Screening – Breaking Boundaries: The Science behind Our Planet 

  • Date: 02.11.2022
  • Time: 18:30
  • Location: ETH HG E 33.1

The SSC will screen the 2021 documentary film “Breaking Boundaries: The Science behind Our Planet” starring David Attenborough. The film explains how we humans are pushing Earth beyond its natural boundaries, destabilizing long-term ecosystems. The film closely follows the scientific journey of Johan Rockström and his team’s discoveries. Come by for a cozy movie night including popcorn!

13.10.2022, 18:15 pm (LFO B 14) – SSC Tofu Workshop

On the 13.10.2022, starting at 18:15 pm, join SSC to find out about the science behind tofu production, and learn how to make your own tofu at home! Sign up here.

25.10.2022 – Serious Game Evening with the Climate Fresk

Join a fun and collaborative workshop with the Climate Fresk on the 25th of October from 18:30-21:30 at HG F 33.5! The Climate Fresk is a ‘serious game’ highlighting the causes and consequences of climate change, based on collective intelligence and creativity, whose content is taken from IPCC reports.

Sign-up link.

    • SSC x Planted 

    • Date: 21.09.2022
    • Time: 11:30 am – 13:30 pm
    • Location: ETH, Polyterrasse

On the 21.09.2022, 11:30 am – 13:30 pm, SSC will be on the Polyterrasse together with the Planted food truck! Come by, meet SSC and with a little luck you can win one of ten golden tickets for a free meal sponsored by Planted. If you don’t win a ticket, you can still buy delicious kebab and learn more about Planted’s sustainable products!

    • Round-table on Decolonizing Ecology and the Environmental Sciences
      • Date: Wednesday, 25 May 2022
      • Time: 18:30
      • Location: SAE greenhouse (Häldeliweg 19, 8044 Zürich)

Members of the Student Sustainability Commission (SSC), the African Students Association of Zurich (ASAZ), and Decolonize Zurich cordially invite you to engage in a round-table on the topic of Decolonizing Ecology and the Environmental Sciences. Starting from short presentations by Prof. Elizabeth Tilley (D-MAVT) and Prof. Kenza Benabderrazik (D-USYS), the aim will be to discuss, reflect, and further the exchange of ideas on inclusion in ecology and research in the environmental sciences. Note that the audience will be limited to 20 participants, so please register here.

  • Title: Effective Careers in Sustainability
  • Date: Tue, May 17, 18:30 
  • Loc: HG D 5.2


You will spend around 80,000 hours working over the course of your career, and deciding what to do with this time can be overwhelming. This talk will explore recent research on prioritization within climate change work, and frame the arguments for why certain career paths are more impactful than others. By thinking about the impact your career can have, we will define what it means to have an effective career in sustainability, and possible ways to approach this.

  • ETH Sustainability Initiatives Summit
    • When: Tuesday, May 10, 18:30
    • Where: HG E 5


The SSC is not the only initiative working on making ETH and the World more sustainable. Join the SSC’s first ETH Sustainability Initiatives Summit, where 14 sustainability initiatives from or related to ETH will present themselves in less than 5 minutes each, and talk to them at the following apero.

  • Talk: Climate and the Law (with Dr. Corina Heri)
    • When: Wednesday, May 4, 18:30
    • Where: HG E 1.2 


The tension between climate change and law has gained enormous importance in recent years – not least, for example, due to the climate lawsuit against Shell in May 2021 and the preparations for the EU’s Green Deal. In her talk, lawyer Dr. Corina Heri (UZH) will explain this topic in more detail from a legal perspective

  • Alternatives to Animal Experimentation
  • Date: March 29th, 18:30 pm
  • Location: HG D 5.2


 In this talk, Dr. Miriam Zemanova will talk about animal testing methods and their alternatives. How many animal experiments are there per year and why? What is the “3Rs principle”? Which alternatives exist and where are they already used? Can they completely replace animal testing? For up-to-date information on the event, visit http://ssc.ethz.ch/events/.

  • Title: Healthy vegan diet
  • Date: April 27th, 18:30 pm
  • Location: HG E5 or online


In recent years, there has been an increase in the popularity of plant-based diets. During this event Dr. Laura Hackl will talk about vegan diet and explain how it should look like in order to be healthy.

Student Sustainability Committee

The point of contact for students interested in sustainability at ETH Zurich. 


Office: ETH Zentrum CAB E 14

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