# KEYWORD LIST ## General Keywords (the environment(?!al engineering)(?!al sciences)) AND NOT (market environment OR considering the environment OR computing environment OR the environment around OR environment-level) climat AND NOT (outdoor climate OR indoor climate OR biotopes) (environmental(?![\w\s]+engineering)(?![\w\s]+sciences)(?![\w\s]+physics)) AND NOT (environmental noise OR Environmental Scanning OR environmental influence OR environmental research OR environmental sound OR environmental condition OR environmental assumption OR sensors OR environmental variation) \becolog AND NOT (ecological foundations OR microbial ecolog) system thinking long-term thinking sustainable development challenge environmental problems sustainable societ(y|(ies)) detrimental AND (effect OR impact) sustainable future ## Clean water and sanitation water management water resources water cycle sanitation waste( |-)?water waste management \brivers aquifers wetland hydrology ground( |-)?water clean AND (drinking water OR water source) water AND (sanitation AND hygiene OR quality OR resource) AND (water availability OR water-use efficiency OR water supply OR water supplies OR clean water OR hygienic toilet OR hygienic toilets OR antifouling membrane OR antifouling membranes OR anti-fouling membrane OR anti-fouling membranes OR water management OR aquatic toxicology OR water toxicology OR aquatic ecotoxicology OR water ecotoxicology) (fresh ?water) AND (water quality) AND (pollutant OR pollution OR contamina) freshwater AND (water security OR water shortage OR (waste water AND treatment) OR (wastewater AND treatment) OR water conservation OR water footprint OR water infrastructure OR water pollution OR water purification OR water use OR water uses OR sanit OR sewer) water pollution water pollutant fresh ?water availability water scarcity open defecation ## Affordable and clean energy energy equity energy justice energy poverty energy access energy transition energy governance electrification clean energy affordable electricity reliable electricity clean (cooking )?fuel fuel poverty renewable \bwind\b AND NOT (airplane OR aviation OR aeroelastic OR rocket) solar AND \bcell solar energy solar power solar PV nuclear power nuclear energy nuclear reactor nuclear fusion geothermal hydroelectricity hydropower photochemistry AND renewable energy photovoltaic water splitting hydrogen production sustainable energy system ## Industry, innovation and infrastructure electrolysers Hydraulic Turbomachines Pelton turbine electricity storage OR electrical storage electric(al)? energy storage (battery OR electrochemical) AND Energy Storage smart(-| )?(micro-)?grid (lithium AND ion) OR (Li-ion) electric vehicle fossil-fuel subsidies fossil-fuel expenditure Monitoring (the )?Earth (CO2|carbon) (sequestration|capture) ## Sustainable cities and communities timber constructions heat network district heat district heating heat pump residential energy consumption domestic energy consumption rural electrification small island develop megacit Urbanisation AND sustain green infrastructure public transport \btrains AND NOT ((he)|(she)|(it) trains) Transport System Innov railways solid waste waste generation zero(-| )waste circular construction food security regenerative AND architecture urban agriculture earth construction local resources sustainable heating OR sustainable cooling sustainable buil ## Responsible consumption and production green consumption sustainable supply chain sustainable procurement role of technology biobased economy material flow accounting societal metabolism circular economy ecological footprint material footprint environmental footprint environmental assessment life(-| )cycle assessment life(-| )cycle analys(e|i)s cradle to cradle low(-| )carbon 2000(-| )Watt value-based design consumer behavior consumer behaviour behaviour(al)? change natural resource global resource extraction resource (re)?use resource AND wood resource efficiency recycl upcycl waste recycling resource recycling sustainab((ility)|(le)) label clean development mechanism sustainable yield sustainable food consumption land use AND impact land degradation land restoration land conservation land management soil degradation soil restoration agro( |-)?ecolog LULUCF Water Governance \bLCA\b sustainable development AND (food production OR food system) ## Climate change carbon cycle climate change and climate risks climate action climate adaptation climate change climate capitalism climate effect climate equity climate feedback climate finance climate forcing climate governance climate impact climate investment climate justice climate mitigation climate modell?(ing)? climate polic((y)|(ies)) climate risk climate service climate prediction climate signal climate variation eco( |-)?climatology bio( |-)?econom anthropocene atmospher AND NOT (modified atmospher OR real-life atmosphere OR atmospheric gas) ecological resilience earth system global warming radiative forcing greenhouse glacier retreat glaciology weather AND NOT weathering ocean AND circulation oceanic circulation model sea level sea ice ice-ocean cryosphere IPCC UNFCC paleoclimate paleoceanography tipping point disaster global crises drought cyclone storms flood spill AND NOT spillover (earthquake OR seism) AND hazards environmental education sustainable development education emission AND NOT (optic OR light OR field-emission OR emission ([\w]+ )?([\w]+ )?radiation OR radiation ([\w]+ )?([\w]+ )?emission) ozone ## Life below water & Life on land biodivers eco(-| )?system AND NOT (code OR coding OR digital OR Swiss ecosystem OR computing ecosystem OR agroecosystem OR data ecosystem OR Python ecosystem OR (mechanisms AND metabolism)) restoration AND NOT Image restoration protected area ecosystem service ecological system human relationship with nature human-wildlife species richness threatened species endangered species Red List wildlife biological invasion invasive species alien species habitat restoration habitat fragmentation habitat loss pollut environmental pollution hazardous pollution remediation pollutant removal toxic chemical ((nuclear)|(radioactive)) waste landfill chemical pollution pesticide pollution pesticide reduction pesticide stress nature conserv fish AND NOT fisher biogeochemical cycle sustainability of agricultural production nitrogen cycle nutrient runoff eutrophicat landscape AND nature ocean acidification acidification AND seawater IPBES UNESCO Biosphere marine protected area marine conservation coastal management coastal habitat seascape coral bleach trophic dryland mountainous cover mountain vegetation forest AND NOT (random forest) forest management forest certification forest auditing rainforest silviculture timber harvest deforest desertif illegal logging plant disease Plant Pathology eco( |-)?tourism sustainable tourism # BLACKLIST sensor network interstellar light extinction photon extinction wireless network ENTERPRENEURIAL THINKING AND ACTION drug beer reality reality virtual reality emission sprectr magnetic resonance nuclear export nuclear transport NMR radiocarbon ((genes AND NOT genesis) OR genome) AND human clinic microbial community human AND anatomy human AND handicap methods ecosystem human anatomy mountaineering quantum AND NOT (solar AND \bcell) magma venture capital theoretical physics memory systems digital human order PDE Partial Differential Equations MEMS Lab understanding light Eulerian equations orbital cancer AND therapy AND cell population biology paleontology AND NOT climate change \bastro AND NOT (astrobiology OR climate change) solar system AND NOT climate change (linguistic) AND NOT (climate adaptation) sportswear milking technology husbandry # BLACKLISTED SECTIONS Bachelor's Thesis Master's Thesis Professional Internship Semester Project Language Courses of the UZH and ETH Zurich Research Project Industrial Internship Seminar and Semester Paper Projects Semester Paper Subject Didactics and Professional Training